Thursday 24 May 2012

Last IT Class :(

Hey fellow citizens

I have some sad news ... Right now is our last IT class which means its probably my last time to blog when being in TY :(

I swear I will try and log on during the summer and post about what i have done and what i shall be doing :)

But if i don't i hope everyone has a great summer :D

Signing out

Anastasia :P

Thursday 17 May 2012

Its nearly over!

Heyy :(

I have some really sad news .... Transition Year is almost over!
I will miss Banba so much!

I am so glad I done Ty because without it I wouldn't have been able to do all the things we like going to Carling ford and taking part in rock climbing, going to Glendalough and seeing the gorgeous waterfalls and lake, doing swim a mile and swimming a full 64 lengths by my self!

To all Third Years coming into TY, make the most of it! No matter what the date is for a project get it started ASAP! You don't know how much stress you actually get into when you realize that a big project is due in two days and the most you have done is writing the title!
So no matter what get started on them straight away and finish them in time!

If I didn't do TY I wouldn't have gotten closer to girls and made way more friends than i did have before.
Instead of always being with the same people i can move around and talk to others :D

Well good luck to the third years coming in :)
Goodbye fun                              :(
Hello stress and Leaving Cert     -_-

Anastasia :P

Thursday 10 May 2012

Scifest :)

Hey :)

Yesterday we all went to Tallaght IT to compete in the scifest competition.
It was fun and we made some new friends in different schools.
I was nervous when the judges were coming around to ask about the project but I'm proud of myself that I didn't just go blank and talk gibberish! :L
The girl who won was at the stall behind mine and she was really nice. You could see she put so much work into her project,'Biodegradable or non-biodegradable'. She had done it all by herself and her poster looked amazing.
I think there was 4 groups in our school that won prizes and we were all so happy for them. :D
Well Done!!!
I went to the talk about computer games and it was really interesting.
The bad part of the day was the bus turning up late going to and from Tallaght. Even though it didn't really matter we were up so early to have it come late and that made us mad! :L
It kind off made it more fun as well :L


So that's all :)
Anastasia :P

Wednesday 2 May 2012


Hey :)
Yesterday class Banba(well most of us) went to Glendalough for our religion retreat.
We met up with Father Michael and he showed us the beautiful waterfalls, lake and scenery around Glendalough. We walked in the footsteps of Saint Kevin and it was lovely.
Even though it was raining I think it made it even better.
First we watched a little movie about the area around Glendalough and then we looked around the exhibition and saw what a house back then would look like and the stones with religious carvings in them.
I really had a great time and i think the others did as well :)

Anastasia :P

Thursday 19 April 2012

Cockroaches vs Tutsi

Today in Religion class we finished watching the movie Hotel Rwanda. It has to be one of the saddest movies i have seen. To think that just 2 years before i was born over a million people died because they belonged to a different tribe.
Hutus- People in power
Tutsis- Called Cockroaches
It was about a man named Paul and his family trying to get through this war between two tribes who are from the same country. Paul is the manager of a hotel that becomes like a refugee camp from a 5 star hotel. Paul's wife, Tatiana, is Tutsi and he is Hutu so he helps everyone but gets nothing back in return.
The movie is so sad and a bit frightening but it truly gets the message across of what was happening in Rwanda and shows you how White people responded to this genocide. A line in the movie was "When people see this footage, they will say its horrible but then eat there dinners" I think  this is very true and is still happening today, When we see the tragedies that are happening in Syria we are shocked but then after we continue to live our lives as if nothing is happening. We do not do anything.
I feel ashamed to think that we did not do anything to help those Innocent people.
I defiantly preferred Hotel Rwanda to Sometimes In April because i think it got to me more and the situations that people were in made me realise just how bad things were, than just the story of one man in Sometimes In April.


My Birthday and Swim A Mile :)

Hey People :)

Today is my birthday :) I am 16 years old :D

Tomorrow all Ty's are going to the Aquatic Centre to take part in Swim a Mile With A Smile and it should be really fun :)
I am in a team with my friends Monique, Lori and Hannah :)
I can't wait :D

So That's the news for now :/
Anastasia :P

Thursday 29 March 2012

Hey People :)

Yesterday was the music night and we finally performed shake it out by Florence and the machine :)
Compared to the rehearsals we had we were actually really good and i was SO happy it was over and went well :D

That's really all the news except EASTER HOLIDAYS ARE COMING UP !!!
Friday(tomorrow) is our last day and then we are off for 2 weeks :O
I cannot wait but i really hope the sun stays out

Well that's it :/
The Little Mermaid :P